I realize the picture doesn't really show how much water is on the floor, and I am aware that we are not talking New Orleans type floods, but 1)it is January and I should be shoveling snow, not mopping water 2)did I mention that the high should be -10c not 12 and rain!!! We have had one storm whcih dumped 68cm of tghe white stuff but it has been unseasonable warm and wet. The area in which I live is famous for its snowmobile trails; nobody is making any money this year. Damn you George Bush and your Global warming!
What a freaking mess. The water covered the entire (finished)basement this time, not just my workout room. We obviousily need more shelving and to throw out more stuff. I guess I really do not to keep 6 years of Maxim magazines now do I???? (Although I have the very first issue - I worked in the industry then. Nope, time to start lugging and chucking. It is still raining fairly hard out so there is no sense in trying to mop as it is coming in as fast as I can get it out.
Till next time,
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