Wednesday, January 18, 2006

TAG - Game of 4

I've been tagged!
I didn't know what that was until about 3 seconds ago. So here goes - my fun with fours:

Four Jobs You've Had

1. Disc-jock at CFAN
2. Moncton Times Paperboy
3. Jr. Broadcast Buyer at Cossette Communications Marketing
4. Assistant Manager - K Mart

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
2. Grease
3. Fiddler on the Roof
4. 9 1/2 weeks

Four Places You've Lived

1. Off King and Jamieson, Toronto
2. Windsor, Ontario
3. Miramichi, New Brunswick
4. Burlington, Ontario

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch

1. 24
2. House
3. Trailer Park Boys
4. Sin Cities

Four of Your Favorite Books

1. Angels & Demons - and the DaVinci Code, both by Dan Brown
2. The Stand by Stephen King
3. The Dog who Wouldn't Be by Farley Mowatt
4. Who has seen the Wind by W.O. Mitchell

Four Places You've Been on Vacation

1. Venezuela
2. Chicago
3. San Franscico
4. Vancouver

Four Websites You Visit Daily

1. Hollywood Tuna
2. Toronto Star
3. Several blogs

Four of Your Favorite Foods

1. Scallops and bacon
2. mushrooms
3. Crab
4. pork chops

Four Places You'd Rather be Right Now

1. A nuice warm beach with a drink in one hand and and a book in the other
2. at the movies - I am a little behind
3. backpacking through Europe
4. bed

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