No real excuse for my few days without an entry - not much to talk about I guess! Claire is the first person to find out that I have a blog, but will she be able to find it? I wonder if I should put my name in the title or something - Michael Taylor - 18 & Trapped in a 40 year old body... Maybe that would be a good idea. Actually, I noticed that at least one person has read one of my entries; I can not say that I am too disappointed that I did not have plenty of readers. First, my blog is not that interesting yet, and I am doing this for moi and not for the attention. So there. I probably should send an e-mail to Paul though; I am surprised he does not have a blog yet.
Till next time,
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
TAG - Game of 4
I've been tagged!
I didn't know what that was until about 3 seconds ago. So here goes - my fun with fours:
Four Jobs You've Had
1. Disc-jock at CFAN
2. Moncton Times Paperboy
3. Jr. Broadcast Buyer at Cossette Communications Marketing
4. Assistant Manager - K Mart
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
2. Grease
3. Fiddler on the Roof
4. 9 1/2 weeks
Four Places You've Lived
1. Off King and Jamieson, Toronto
2. Windsor, Ontario
3. Miramichi, New Brunswick
4. Burlington, Ontario
Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. 24
2. House
3. Trailer Park Boys
4. Sin Cities
Four of Your Favorite Books
1. Angels & Demons - and the DaVinci Code, both by Dan Brown
2. The Stand by Stephen King
3. The Dog who Wouldn't Be by Farley Mowatt
4. Who has seen the Wind by W.O. Mitchell
Four Places You've Been on Vacation
1. Venezuela
2. Chicago
3. San Franscico
4. Vancouver
Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Hollywood Tuna
2. Toronto Star
3. Several blogs
Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Scallops and bacon
2. mushrooms
3. Crab
4. pork chops
Four Places You'd Rather be Right Now
1. A nuice warm beach with a drink in one hand and and a book in the other
2. at the movies - I am a little behind
3. backpacking through Europe
4. bed
I didn't know what that was until about 3 seconds ago. So here goes - my fun with fours:
Four Jobs You've Had
1. Disc-jock at CFAN
2. Moncton Times Paperboy
3. Jr. Broadcast Buyer at Cossette Communications Marketing
4. Assistant Manager - K Mart
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
2. Grease
3. Fiddler on the Roof
4. 9 1/2 weeks
Four Places You've Lived
1. Off King and Jamieson, Toronto
2. Windsor, Ontario
3. Miramichi, New Brunswick
4. Burlington, Ontario
Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. 24
2. House
3. Trailer Park Boys
4. Sin Cities
Four of Your Favorite Books
1. Angels & Demons - and the DaVinci Code, both by Dan Brown
2. The Stand by Stephen King
3. The Dog who Wouldn't Be by Farley Mowatt
4. Who has seen the Wind by W.O. Mitchell
Four Places You've Been on Vacation
1. Venezuela
2. Chicago
3. San Franscico
4. Vancouver
Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Hollywood Tuna
2. Toronto Star
3. Several blogs
Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Scallops and bacon
2. mushrooms
3. Crab
4. pork chops
Four Places You'd Rather be Right Now
1. A nuice warm beach with a drink in one hand and and a book in the other
2. at the movies - I am a little behind
3. backpacking through Europe
4. bed
7 Day Western Caribbean Cruise on Carnival Triumph from Miami, FL on 3/4/2006

Only 45 days until our first family vacation outside of Canada! Actually, no, when Erica was only a few months old we went to Vermont/New Hampshire so I guess this will be our first family trip outside of Canada/New England States. I probably am the only one who is very excited! When we start packing than the kids will probably start getting pumped, or when we decide for sure if we are going to spend a few days at Disney World, then the excitement will build. I probably should start setting an area aside for us to pre-pack, which may make the trip seem a little more real.
I think I wil start another blog only about the cruise and just have the two blogs linked together. I think this blog will slowly start to change to more of a family blog and I will start another for my ramblings and stories. However, I am not sure if I can change the title of the blog so I may have to just start another blog called The Taylor's or something like that.
Hey, just because I work full-time, have three kids, am in my final year of my Bachelor of Nursing, jog 5x a week and work-out 4x, doesn't mean I will not have time to keep three or four blogs up-to-date!!!!
Till next time,
Monday, January 16, 2006
Season Premier of 24 and Resolution Update
In between mopping up water, I managed to relax long enough to watch the two hour premier of 24 and I really enjoyed. Poor old Jack was lucky enough to have 18 months off before he was pulled back into an international crisis. I was a little surprised that they killed off two characters in the season opener though. I can hardly wait for the next two hours tonight.
Resolution update - well, I am still blogging, I have to eat chips, buy a bar from the Dollar Store or drink a Coke. I am working out 4 times a week and doing pretty well on my running. My weight is down to 155.5 from 160 on January 1st. So, things are looking good.
Till next time,
Resolution update - well, I am still blogging, I have to eat chips, buy a bar from the Dollar Store or drink a Coke. I am working out 4 times a week and doing pretty well on my running. My weight is down to 155.5 from 160 on January 1st. So, things are looking good.
Till next time,
Sunday, January 15, 2006
George Bush has flooded my basement!!!

I realize the picture doesn't really show how much water is on the floor, and I am aware that we are not talking New Orleans type floods, but 1)it is January and I should be shoveling snow, not mopping water 2)did I mention that the high should be -10c not 12 and rain!!! We have had one storm whcih dumped 68cm of tghe white stuff but it has been unseasonable warm and wet. The area in which I live is famous for its snowmobile trails; nobody is making any money this year. Damn you George Bush and your Global warming!
What a freaking mess. The water covered the entire (finished)basement this time, not just my workout room. We obviousily need more shelving and to throw out more stuff. I guess I really do not to keep 6 years of Maxim magazines now do I???? (Although I have the very first issue - I worked in the industry then. Nope, time to start lugging and chucking. It is still raining fairly hard out so there is no sense in trying to mop as it is coming in as fast as I can get it out.
Till next time,
Friday, January 13, 2006
"I have a clue"

I picked Erica up at school and as we were walking to the van, she informed me "I have a clue." Oh, ok, I thought,just what are you your referring to? "You said that I don't have a clue, but I do". I am now totally confused so I asked for mroe information.
Who said this? "You said that Jacob was excited about the cruise, Rachel was excited about missing school, and that I didn't have a clue." Ok, I remember saying this to everyone who asked how the kids reacted to the announcement of our Mrach break cruise, but I never said this in front of the kids. But, the quote was almost verbatim, so who told her?
Erica named some girl who is her class but the name meant nothing to me. I didn't recall talking to any grade two students lately, and I don't really socialize with any of the parents, so who told her this? I asked Erica is she knew the girls last name and the did. Small world, but the little girl who told Erica has a brother on Jacob's hockey team, and I mentioned the cruise in the dresssing room on Sunday, so it must have been his mother who told her daughter who got the quote right and told Erica. Small freaking world!It took a fair amount of ass kissing and explaining to put things right with Erica. Now if anyone asks about the crusie and the kids, the new explanation is that Jacob and Erica are both excited abbout the cruise!
Lesson learned!
Till next time,
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
A day in the life of a father, manager, student
The holidays are over and today was the first day back at school. I mistakenly set my clock radio to "alarm" rather than radio so that scared the heck out of me at 6:30 am. I needed to stay in bed till 6:55am before my nerves calmed down!
Ate breakfast, made the kids lunches, woke the girls up, and had a shower all by 7:30. All three managed to make the bus and I believe that they all washed their faces and brushed their teeth, although I can never be sure with Erica.
At 7:55 I was in our garage trying to find the winter tires. Hmm, I think I need to clean out the garage. Found the tires, threw them in the trunk, jumped in the Echo, but could the driver side door would not shut properly. Frigged around with that for 10 minutes and made it to the garage by 8:15.
While I waited for the winter tires to be put on, I worked on paperwork for the store. I am way behind!
The tires were rotated and I left at 8:55. I drove home, ate a bowl of cereal, left at 9:20 and picked up Donna, then went to the store.
Brad called around 10:30 and mentioned that the time for our class had changed form 1:30 to 2:30. BONUS!
Left the store at 12:30 and met Brad at the arena. I was supposed to run 10k with Jeff but we mixed up our signals and he is only going to run after class. I had an easy 5k jog with Brad.
Afterwards, went downstairs and checked out the times for the girls practise tonight. Called Nicole as I will not be able to make it home for 5:30.
My first class of 2006 was interesting. We only have 8 weeks of classes and then we start preceptorship after March break. No test, only a presentation and a paper so I should be able to bang out a good grade in this class.
Made it back to the store at 4:30pm and was informed that Roland was sick and would not be able to work tonight. Oh well, I had plenty to do anyway. Worked till 9 and by some miracle I did not run to the Dollar Store for a Coke and a couple of chocolate bars.
Home at 9:20pm. The kids were in bed but still awake. Kisses all around and then I rushed downstairs to see if the season premier of 24 was on. It wasn't, msut be next week. I should have went upstairs and did the supper dishes but I watched CSI instead.Oh, talked to my sister who is having an operation on her foot tomorrow.
At 11pm, I hit th
Ate breakfast, made the kids lunches, woke the girls up, and had a shower all by 7:30. All three managed to make the bus and I believe that they all washed their faces and brushed their teeth, although I can never be sure with Erica.
At 7:55 I was in our garage trying to find the winter tires. Hmm, I think I need to clean out the garage. Found the tires, threw them in the trunk, jumped in the Echo, but could the driver side door would not shut properly. Frigged around with that for 10 minutes and made it to the garage by 8:15.
While I waited for the winter tires to be put on, I worked on paperwork for the store. I am way behind!
The tires were rotated and I left at 8:55. I drove home, ate a bowl of cereal, left at 9:20 and picked up Donna, then went to the store.
Brad called around 10:30 and mentioned that the time for our class had changed form 1:30 to 2:30. BONUS!
Left the store at 12:30 and met Brad at the arena. I was supposed to run 10k with Jeff but we mixed up our signals and he is only going to run after class. I had an easy 5k jog with Brad.
Afterwards, went downstairs and checked out the times for the girls practise tonight. Called Nicole as I will not be able to make it home for 5:30.
My first class of 2006 was interesting. We only have 8 weeks of classes and then we start preceptorship after March break. No test, only a presentation and a paper so I should be able to bang out a good grade in this class.
Made it back to the store at 4:30pm and was informed that Roland was sick and would not be able to work tonight. Oh well, I had plenty to do anyway. Worked till 9 and by some miracle I did not run to the Dollar Store for a Coke and a couple of chocolate bars.
Home at 9:20pm. The kids were in bed but still awake. Kisses all around and then I rushed downstairs to see if the season premier of 24 was on. It wasn't, msut be next week. I should have went upstairs and did the supper dishes but I watched CSI instead.Oh, talked to my sister who is having an operation on her foot tomorrow.
At 11pm, I hit th
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Hockey Dad and Mom
Now that the Christmas season is over it is time to be a rink rat again. Jacob had a game at 9:30 this morning and I needed to be at work for 10am. No big deal except that Jacob forgot an elbow pad so I had to drive home like a maniac to retrieve the missing piece of equipment. I remember back to my hockey days and I would not have said anything to my mom, I would have played without. In fact, I played without a cup once! Luckily, my boys survived that incident.
I made it back to the rink for 9:40 am and Jacob was still in the dressing room. I thought he would have at least gone to the bench and watch but he chose to stay where it was warm. I dropped off the elbow pad and made it to the store with 2 minutes to spare. I then called home and reminded the girls that they had a game at 11:10 am at another rink. Nicole would be their chauffeur for this event. We are usually at the rink four days a week. Jacob is on the ice Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The girls lace up their skates on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
I had planned on competing in a 5k tomorrow but Jacob has a game at 10:30 am in a community an hour away and the girls also have a game at 10:30 am 20 minutes away in the opposite direction. My 5k is scheduled for 11:00 am and this in an hour away in a third direction. It appears that I will not be competing tomorrow.
All three of my kids play hockey although I can not say that they are in love with the game. We do not crowd around the TV and watch Hockey Night In Canada every Saturday night like I used to do back in the 1970's. I'm not sure any of them have ever watched a complete game. This, of course, shows on the ice as none of them have a true understanding of the game. But, they do get 4 hours of exercise every week and what the hell would I do with the $800 it cost to register them?
Jacob did score a goal and he had an assist. I missed both as I went to work for 10 am and came back to the rink when there was 14 minutes left. Jacob's team came from behind and scored three goals in 7 minutes to force a 9-9 tie. I forgot to ask how Rachel and Erica did.
Till next time,
I made it back to the rink for 9:40 am and Jacob was still in the dressing room. I thought he would have at least gone to the bench and watch but he chose to stay where it was warm. I dropped off the elbow pad and made it to the store with 2 minutes to spare. I then called home and reminded the girls that they had a game at 11:10 am at another rink. Nicole would be their chauffeur for this event. We are usually at the rink four days a week. Jacob is on the ice Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The girls lace up their skates on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
I had planned on competing in a 5k tomorrow but Jacob has a game at 10:30 am in a community an hour away and the girls also have a game at 10:30 am 20 minutes away in the opposite direction. My 5k is scheduled for 11:00 am and this in an hour away in a third direction. It appears that I will not be competing tomorrow.
All three of my kids play hockey although I can not say that they are in love with the game. We do not crowd around the TV and watch Hockey Night In Canada every Saturday night like I used to do back in the 1970's. I'm not sure any of them have ever watched a complete game. This, of course, shows on the ice as none of them have a true understanding of the game. But, they do get 4 hours of exercise every week and what the hell would I do with the $800 it cost to register them?
Jacob did score a goal and he had an assist. I missed both as I went to work for 10 am and came back to the rink when there was 14 minutes left. Jacob's team came from behind and scored three goals in 7 minutes to force a 9-9 tie. I forgot to ask how Rachel and Erica did.
Till next time,
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Men's Health Personal Trainer
Well, so far so gooad as I have managed to stick to my exercise goals for three days. I have subscribed to Men's Health Personal Trainer and for a few bucks a month I have an exercise plan all laid out for me. To be honest, it kills me to hit the "delete workout" button so I make an extra effort to haul my ass into my home gym. I ran 5k yesterday in the snow; time sucked but at least I made the effort.
The exercise I hate the most is crunches! To solve this dilemma, Santa brought me an "Ab King". I should know better, and yes I do realize that you require body fat below 10% for ab definition, but if this thing helps me crank out a few crunches a week then it will have been worth the money.
I am doing well on the eating front. I was never a huge eater; just staying away from the chips and pop (or soda for my American friends) will probably be plenty. After training I drink a homemade sangria (red wine is good, as are all the fruits) mixed with whey isolate protein. Lots of carbs and protein to fuel my thirst muscles!
I will askNicole measure me tonight so I can check my progress every few weeks. 60 days until cruise time!!!!!
Till later,
The exercise I hate the most is crunches! To solve this dilemma, Santa brought me an "Ab King". I should know better, and yes I do realize that you require body fat below 10% for ab definition, but if this thing helps me crank out a few crunches a week then it will have been worth the money.
I am doing well on the eating front. I was never a huge eater; just staying away from the chips and pop (or soda for my American friends) will probably be plenty. After training I drink a homemade sangria (red wine is good, as are all the fruits) mixed with whey isolate protein. Lots of carbs and protein to fuel my thirst muscles!
I will askNicole measure me tonight so I can check my progress every few weeks. 60 days until cruise time!!!!!
Till later,
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